CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers,, among many other sites. We have collected and sorted by the stars count all the CKAN extensions available as repositories on Github and having at lease 1 star. Read more about CKAN. If you are interested in contributing to this livemark please follow this guide.
Government of Canada CKAN Extension - Extension à CKAN du Gouvernement du Canada
CKAN extension to integrate Google Analytics data into CKAN. Gives download stats on package pages, list of most popular packages, etc.
Implements support for resource storage against multiple popular providers via apache-libcloud (S3, Azure Storage, etc...)
Express Loader - quickly load data into DataStore. A replacement for DataPusher.
CKAN extension that allows a user to create private datasets only visible to certain users. The extension provides also an API to specify which users can access private datasets
A CKAN extension for assigning a digital object identifier (DOI) to datasets, using the DataCite DOI service.
:mag: :bar_chart: :earth_asia: CKAN extension that will provide data querying and story sharing with pre configured set of rules :newspaper: :clipboard:
CKAN Extension that demonstrates some common patterns for customising a CKAN instance.
CKAN extension to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for CKAN data portals via SAML2 Authentication.
CKAN extension to display useful and important system information for portal maintenance and development
CKAN extension to offload blob storage to cloud storage providers (S3, GCS, Azure etc).
A CKAN extension to style and add features to the openAFRICA platform. Accessible at
Deprecated. See ⏰ CKAN extension providing data versioning (metadata and files) based on git and github.
Climate Tagger CKAN Extension - provides suggested tags for climate compatible content for CKAN
An extension for the CKAN open data platform for storing resources on cloud storage
A CKAN extension for data versioning. Specifically dataset and resource versions.
:clipboard: CKAN extension for creating organization dashboards :clipboard:
Repeating fields for CKAN: obsoleted by ckanext-scheming 2.1 multiple_text fields
Extension for structured metadata fields based on ckanext-scheming and ckanext-repeating
:email: :mailbox_with_mail: CKAN extension for requesting new data :email: :mailbox_with_mail:
CKAN extension to integrate your custom DataPub.js based dataset and resource editor
A CKAN extension that provides a user interface to download resources with ckanpackager.
DE: Dieses Repository beinhaltet die Erweiterung von ckanext-dcat auf die Spezifikation EN: This is a specific CKAN extension for providing and importing data.
CKAN extension to upload vector geospatial data, store and publish through OGC services.
[DEPRECATED - now part of CKAN core as of v1.7] Apps and ideas catalogue extension for CKAN. Associate apps and ideas to datasets.
📈 Extension CKAN pour le portail de données et information ouvertes de l'ASC | 📈CKAN Extension for the CSA open data and information portal
CKAN extension for sending activity events to the Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus (fedmsg)
The custom extension for notifying(triggering) the Airflow DAG about the data to be uploaded to DataStore
Extension to to customize the content and appearance of CKAN for the Envidat project (WSL)
A CKAN plugin that allows syndication (pushing) of datasets to another ckan repository
CKAN extension to publish public datasets in the FIWARE Store as offerings
A CKAN extension providing a versioned datastore using MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
KP opendata portal ckanext theme. Site is up at
Implementation of the metadata schema for Envidat based on scheming and repeating extensions
A CKAN extension that allows organisation members to create datasets, and edit or delete the datasets they have created.
Repositorio del theme visual de Andino para el portal de Datos Abiertos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
[EXPERIMENTAL] CKAN extension to provide more options for notifications such as Slack notifications.
A CKAN 2 extension that removes CKAN's groups feature from the web interface
Shows information about the CKAN and extensions versions an instance is running. Mostly useful for development sites.
CKAN extension that integrates da|ra metadata schema and enables DOI registration for research data
This is an extension to CKAN that provides a custom theme for the Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center.
CKAN Plugin to harvest Berlin's FIS-Broker geographic information system into the schema.
A simple CKAN extension to hold all overrides to CKAN required by the DIA (Department of Internal Affairs).
A CKAN extension to use a git based storage for dataset's metadata that supports versioning.
Extension that provides a fully Restful API to access the data contained in the DataStore.
CKAN extension implementing IUploader interface for cloud storage of assets e.g. images. Intended for use with ckanext-blob-storage that provides direct to cloud storage of resource data.
Extension to ease the federation process of CKAN catalogs with the global catalog of Spain, [Datos.gob](
Basic ckan extension to add google analytics tracking code in page header
[EXPERIMENTAL] A CKAN extension to allow login using Google, Facebook, Twitter or Github.
This extension provides a simple feedback form for submitting data requests through the CKAN System.
CKAN extension for creating/updating datasets via a zip file containing an excel metadata template
CKAN Extension for adding Open Refine analysis into your dataset resources.
Tema para o CKAN utilizado no portal, na versão implantada em 2014, com CKAN 2.2.
A plugin for CKAN that enables a system administrator to protect dataset resources from accidental deletion
CKAN extension to synchronize CKAN data with an elasticsearch search index
CKAN extension that extends the default CKAN Data Dictionary functionality by adding the possibility to create a data dictionary before actual data is uploaded to datastore.
A plugin for enabling commenting on CKAN by proxying them to and from WordPress through XML-RPC API.
CKAN plugin for grouping datasets into countries. Forked from
Implementation of a schema, using the ckanext-schema extension, for the Brazilian Open Data Portal.
A CKAN extension to copy an existing resource metadata for another resource
An helloworld CKAN plugin that demonstrates how to extend metadata schema with a couple of new fields
CKAN plugin for grouping datasets into countries. Forked from
Extended activity feeds to include items such as membership changes.
A datastore backend implementation for CKAN that supports data citation.
CKAN extension allowing users to login and reset passwords with their email as well as their username.
ROUTE-TO-PA extension - adds TET functionality to CKAN platform - anomaly detection
A CKAN extension which provides with template files and logic to implement OD Mekong's datasets
A CKAN extension styling the Geological Survey of Qld's CKAN instance as per Qld Govt. guidelines
A custom implementation of for OpenData.HRO, the open data portal of the municipality of Rostock
A custom theme for OpenData.HRO, the open data portal of the municipality of Rostock
This extension extends the CKAN plugin ckanext-harvest to support distributed harvesting capabilities.
Extensions exposing common functionalitities to other ckanext-odm* extensions
📈 Schémas de métadonnées pour | 📈 Metadata schemas for